The Mission of GCBC:
We exist to exalt Christ, edify believers, evangelize the world, and fulfill the great commission which Christ has entrusted to all believers.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. – Mt. 28:19-20
The purpose of GCBC is three-fold:
- Building up the body of Christ in which all believers can fellowship and be well equipped to serve the Lord, and to worship Him together.
- Disseminating and holding firmly all truths revealed in the Scripture.
- Proclaiming the gospel and share Christ’s love to all peoples, with an emphasis on evangelizing the Chinese community in the City of Olympia and surrounding areas.
GCBC shall fulfil her purpose through:
- Worship and Prayer: to participate in worship as a corporate expression of our passion for the supremacy of God in all things to the joy of all peoples; and to seek that God’s will be done, through prayer (Jn 4:24; Rev 4:8-11; Eph 2:21; Mk 11:17) .
- Spiritual Growth: to grow in the knowledge and application of God’s Word in order to develop God’s people toward full Christian maturity and to train them for effective ministry (Eph 4:11-13; 2Ti 2:2; 1Ti 3:15).
- Community Fellowship: to love and care for one another as the family of God by encouraging, supporting and praying for each other (Ac 2:44-47; Heb 10:23-25; Jn 13:34-35; Eph 3:15).
- Ministry and Service: to demonstrate the love of Christ to those in our church, in our community, and in the world (Mt 25:34-40; Gal 5:13; 2Co 9:11-12; Ro 12:4-8; Eph 4:12).
- Evangelism and Missions: to extend the Kingdom of God by advancing the gospel through evangelism in our community and through missionary endeavors throughout the world (Ac 1:8; 2Co 5:20; Mt 28:18-20; 2Pe 3:9).